This library is a wrapper of TFLite interpreter. It is packaged in a WebAssembly binary that runs in a browser. For more details and related concepts about TFLite Interpreter and what the inference process looks like, check out the official doc.
A tflite.TFLiteModel is built from a TFLite model flatbuffer and executable
on TFLite interpreter. To load it, use the loadTFLiteModel
function below.
Sample usage:
// Load the MobilenetV2 tflite model from tfhub.
const tfliteModel = await tflite.loadTFLiteModel(
const outputTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
// Get pixels data from an image.
let img = tf.browser.fromPixels(document.querySelector('img'));
// Resize and normalize:
img = tf.image.resizeBilinear(img, [224, 224]);
img = tf.sub(tf.div(tf.expandDims(img), 127.5), 1);
// Run the inference.
let outputTensor = tfliteModel.predict(img);
// De-normalize the result.
return tf.mul(tf.add(outputTensor, 1), 127.5)
Execute the inference for the input tensors.
- inputs (Tensor|Tensor[]|NamedTensorMap) The input tensors, when there is single input for the model, inputs param should be a Tensor. For models with multiple inputs, inputs params should be in either Tensor[] if the input order is fixed, or otherwise NamedTensorMap format.
- config (ModelPredictConfig) Prediction configuration for specifying the batch size. Currently this field is not used, and batch inference is not supported. Optional
Loads a TFLiteModel from the given model url.
- model (string|ArrayBuffer) The path to the model (string), or the model content in memory (ArrayBuffer).
- options (Object) Options related to model inference. Optional
Number of threads to use when running inference.
Default to number of physical CPU cores, or -1 if WASM multi-threading is not supported by user's browser.
Whether to enable profiling.
Default to false. After it is enabled, the profiling results can be retrieved by calling TFLiteWebModelRunner.getProfilingResults or TFLiteWebModelRunner.getProfilingSummary. See their comments for more details.
Maximum nmber of entries that the profiler can keep.
Default to 1024.
Returns the compatible tfjs DataType from the given TFLite data type.
- tfliteType (TFLiteDataType) The type in TFLite.