API Version
  • 0.0.1-alpha.9
  • 0.0.1-alpha.8
  • 0.0.1-alpha.4
  • 0.0.1-alpha.10

This library is a wrapper of TFLite interpreter. It is packaged in a WebAssembly binary that runs in a browser. For more details and related concepts about TFLite Interpreter and what the inference process looks like, check out the official doc.

tflite.TFLiteModel extends InferenceModel class Source

A tflite.TFLiteModel is built from a TFLite model flatbuffer and executable on TFLite interpreter. To load it, use the loadTFLiteModel function below.

Sample usage:

// Load the MobilenetV2 tflite model from tfhub.
const tfliteModel = tflite.loadTFLiteModel(

const outputTensor = tf.tidy(() => {
    // Get pixels data from an image.
    const img = tf.browser.fromPixels(document.querySelector('img'));
    // Normalize (might also do resize here if necessary).
    const input = tf.sub(tf.div(tf.expandDims(img), 127.5), 1);
    // Run the inference.
    let outputTensor = tfliteModel.predict(input) as tf.Tensor;
    // De-normalize the result.
    return tf.mul(tf.add(outputTensor, 1), 127.5)

predict (inputs, config?) method Source

Execute the inference for the input tensors.

  • inputs (Tensor|Tensor[]|NamedTensorMap) The input tensors, when there is single input for the model, inputs param should be a Tensor. For models with multiple inputs, inputs params should be in either Tensor[] if the input order is fixed, or otherwise NamedTensorMap format.
  • config (ModelPredictConfig) Prediction configuration for specifying the batch size. Currently this field is not used, and batch inference is not supported. Optional
Returns: Tensor|Tensor[]|NamedTensorMap
tflite.loadTFLiteModel (model, options?) function Source

Loads a TFLiteModel from the given model url.

  • model (string|ArrayBuffer) The path to the model (string), or the model content in memory (ArrayBuffer).
  • options (Object) Options related to model inference. Optional
  • numThreads (number) Number of threads to use when running inference.

    Default to number of physical CPU cores, or -1 if WASM multi-threading is not supported by user's browser.

Returns: Promise<tflite.TFLiteModel>
tflite.getDTypeFromTFLiteType (tfliteType) function Source

Returns the compatible tfjs DataType from the given TFLite data type.

  • tfliteType (TFLiteDataType) The type in TFLite.
Returns: DataType